Sunday, July 3, 2011

An Artist Escape, With Dale Chihuly

Dale Chihuly Photo by Ken Lambert/Seattle Times

The spectacular artistry of the American glass sculptor Dale Chihuly, can be best described as otherworldly, and uniquely his own. His creations burst forth with color, excitement and an energy that cannot be contained. The organic nature of his forms, are very free flowing, almost as if they were born from a fantastical wand, that was flicked through the air.

Fioro Di Como, 1998 Bellagio Resort, Las Vegas, NV

Chihuly's works have found their way into various museum installations, and permanent collections around the globe. Several hotels, and public gardens display these pieces as well. Check out this interesting interview with the artist himself.

As you can see, Chihuly's work is not at all shy, or pretentious. His gorgeous bowls, chandeliers, and undulating objects are simply sublime. Do try to see some of these spectacular exhibitions in person, to experience the glorious feast of color and light. We guarantee, you won't be disappointed. Ciao! Al

For your information, here are some of the present venues to see these marvelous Dale Chihuly glass sculptures:

Dale Chihuly's Northwest
Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, Washington
May 21 - September 25, 2011

Dale Chihuly New Work
Traver Gallery, Tacoma, Washington
May 7 - July 24, 2011

Chihuly: Through the Looking Glass
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts
April 10 - August 7, 2011

Chihuly at Litvak
Litvak Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
December 16, 2010 - July 30, 2011

Chihuly at CityCenter
The Gallery, CityCenter, Las Vegas, Nevada
December 4, 2009 - December 2011


  1. I just LOVE his art!! i wish they would have a venue in the UK, wouldn't mind seeing it in person.

  2. Hi Al! Oh I love Chihuly... we had a huge fundraiser in Omaha years ago with Dale Chihuly as a guest... He has spectacular art on display at the Joslyn Art Museum here in Omaha... I also know some people who have personal collections of his work in their home!
    Great post!
