Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Vintage Roller Skate Box Filled With Wonderful Memories

Hello there darlings! Let's escape together, shall we? Back to the days filled with drive-ins, soda fountains, and roller rinks! Grab your old varsity sweater, call the gang and tell them, "Don't be late! Tonight we're going out to have some good old fashioned fun."

As a teen in the 1940's, our sweet Mother Joan, would don her white leather skates and cruise around with her pals, at Van Cortlandt Roller Rink in the Bronx, NY. This was just one of the many popular rinks they rolled into week after week. Certainly, this was a carefree way to spend some quality time with good friends, on a Saturday night.

Here is a photo of Mother (she's standing first, from the left, in the bottom row), who we're sure is looking over to catch the eye of a some boy. Hmmm.....

And another photo of Mother on a roller skating date with a boy. Check out the sweater, and pleated skirt she is wearing!

Mother's red wooden roller skate box was covered, front and back, with the many labels from her favorite roller rinks. The graphics on these are fabulous, don't you think?

When the night was over, Mother's leather skates were always tucked away neatly inside this skate box, to await their next outing. And it was here, that they where watched over, by a very special chaperone... yes my dears, that is Guy Madison! He is absolutely to die for, no? Ah, such lovely memories.

Of course, all of that roller skating, worked up an appetite. So afterwards, the party would continue at the local soda fountain. Here they all convened for a quick bite to eat, followed by a thick, and icy, chocolate sundae, topped with marshmallow sauce. Yum!

Lucky for us, our Mother has gifted this awesome treasure to our collection. Just another special Skylark Manor antique, that we had to share with you. We think it is so much nicer than your average vintage suitcase or trunk. You could say, this roller skate box has been around the rink and back, more than a few times. And oh, the stories it could tell... but, we'll have to save those for another time! Ciao -Al


  1. Oh.... I remember the Skating Rink on Friday night & after the skating there was a dance until 11!! Great times...... Your Mom was a pretty young lady!

  2. What a delightful post, and what a glorious treasure to now have. Red suits it, with such a colourful history.

  3. these photo's are brilliant!...being a Brit, I think we think America's still like this! like in the movies! great post! x
