Friday, December 2, 2011

Collecting Antique Buttons

One of the most intriguing collections to possess, is that of the antique button. This modest little clothing attachment, has been around for generations, holding all types of material together, with style.

The next time you are at a thrift store, or an estate sale, make it a point to look out for antique clothing. Older coats, shirts, and dresses are a great source for glass, wood, metal, rhinestone, and even Bakelite buttons.

Many of these fantastic, and colorful buttons are adorned with floral, animal, or military motifs. Some buttons of course, are more coveted than others, by the seasoned collectors. The more ornate designs, and those cast in silver, brass, or pewter, are some of the popular ones they look for. But you can start your own search, based on what speaks to you personally.

Today, many antique buttons find themselves made into jewelry, placed onto newer clothing, etc. Some lay in dark sewing boxes, hoping to one day be put back in service.
Our own collection of buttons, look perfectly fabulous when placed, en masse, in clear apothecary jars on the mantel.

So, the next time Aunt Sadie asks you to watch her cat.... be sure to check her coat closet. There may be some beautiful old antique buttons, just waiting to start a new life. Remember, we never said a word. Ciao. -Al

Image sources:,,


  1. I love old buttons, have a bunch of them. I like to take them out every so often and look at them. Makes me happy. Thanks for this post. ~ Abby

  2. Ooooo I love the antique buttons. Great idea! I'm a new follower! Check out my blog and follow me if you'd like!

