Monday, March 28, 2011

The Tale of the Handbag

The handbag as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is "a bag held in the hand or hung from a shoulder strap and used for carrying small personal articles and money". The first known use of the word "handbag", was way back in 1862.
But most certainly, we all know it as the essential accessory and more, to scores of women, and some men. So many styles to choose from and fill. A clutch, evening bag, pocketbook, satchel, duffle bag, tote, messenger bag, sling bag, and even the laptop purse! Without one, our pockets would be laden with bits and pieces, some falling out, leaving a trail behind us like Hansel and Gretel.
The handbag has taken on a myriad of shapes, in many cultures, over the years. But its purpose remains today. A carry-all for life's what nots and what ifs, an ever changing diary of our personal stuff.

Grace Kelly and her Hermes bag

Some are woven and sewn from the finest of materials, or carved from something as simple as a gourd. How interesting that we share this accessory without cultural divide. We sometimes compliment a stranger, and say "What a great bag you have!" Could it be one that was handed down from great grandmother? Or is it the handbag that your sister made for you?
Whatever the case may be, these coveted darlings hold many secrets and promises inside. For when it is misplaced, or lost, we often say "My life was in there." And many times, this is true.

Vintage Whiting & Davis Bag

To replace a vintage, or one of a kind handbag is not easy. It is an assistant, a companion through it all.
We would love for you to share your "favorite handbag" stories with us. Do you have a "go to bag" for that little black dress? Let us know. And don't forget to check out some neat vintage bags that we have in our Etsy shop, Ciao! -Al


  1. hello dear! thank you for visiting my blog and commenting! I really love vintage thing expecially when they are one of a kind!

    great blog, big kiss, Angelica

  2. I have a real thing for handbags, I'm always on the hunt for the next great bag! It is a never ending quest... :)

  3. Thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog. I do hope that our park adventures go a little more smoothly for the rest of the year.

    I enjoyed your post. I have never really been a purse or handbag person. The birth of my daughter has made me carry a bag to keep her stuff in it.

    Have a good night!

  4. Your blib on Little Brown Pen's "fill in the blank" post yesterday was my favorite -- I laughed out loud. That darn Franco!

  5. Never was one to "love" handbags. I just change mine as the seasons change!! I know, boring... When I see the prices of some designer bags I just gasp!! LOL!!
    Love your blog...Will be back!
    Have A Wonderful Weekend!!

  6. great post! looove retro style and loveee grace kelly! im checking your shop!

  7. Brilliant post!!Can't get enough of handbags!

  8. hi, thanks for visit my blog and for your sweet comments!!! :)

  9. My go to clutch is a simple black clutch trimmed in gold. I got it from my aunt it goes with ALMOST everything. Love love the post :)

  10. I love vintage bags. I need to post about the one I bought in Atlanta - cream leather w/an intaglio set into it. Maybe I'll do that next week.
