Monday, April 4, 2011

The Antique Garden Ornament

Important Marble Figure of Diana

The garden ornament has been a part of our landscape since the days of ancient Rome and Greece. The forms they may take are varied, from the small diminutive statuary, to their grand and expansive, larger scaled counterparts. The most common types of ornament are the urns, pots, statues, fountains, sundials, gates, columns and benches.

Pair of Classical Urns
All were produced utilizing a large assortment of materials such as wood, wrought and cast iron, copper, marble, cement, or terra-cotta. Each of the aforementioned products would wear, in various ways over time, when exposed to the elements. Thus, achieving a "patina" or aged surface area that, not only adds character to a piece, but also a much greater desirability too.
A true, authentic antique garden ornament, is a highly collectible item. And one that is sought after the world over. Therefore, many classic pieces are often reproduced, and fashioned after their originals from centuries ago.

Watts Terra-cotta Pot
If you are just starting down this path of collecting, please make a note of the following. It is important to know who you are purchasing from, if they are reputable, and the details of care for each individual item. This is especially true when investing in a significant piece to add to your landscape collection.
One such reliable resource is none other than Barbara Israel Garden Antiques based in Katonah, NY and Manhattan. Here you can find the most fantastic selection of period pieces from Europe, America, and Asia. Barbara's collection is unprecedented, and with over 20 years of experience in the field she is the authority in this category.

Marked Galloway Bench
Here at Skylark Manor, the garden is just waking up from it's wintery slumber. This spring, we are looking to add a variety of antique garden elements to our backyard landscape. We hope to have enlightened you in some way, to get out there and explore the possibilities of adding some interest to your own outdoor spaces. No matter what season, the magical allure of that special antique garden ornament, is one that you can enjoy for years to come! Ciao. -Al

All photos courtesy Barbara Israel Garden Antiques


  1. Beautiful urns! And thank you for visiting my blog.

  2. I have a love for garden urns and other garden ornaments. These are superb! Thanks for visiting our blog.


  3. Those are a nice pair of urns... I like the antique garden ornaments urns and or newer ones with a classical design.




  4. you've got a great blog!
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  5. You made my day with your comment! This is a great blog. Welcome to the blog world.

    I am looking forward to following and sharing! :)

    Have a lovely week.

  6. Thanks for coming by and introducing yourself! It looks like gardening is on our minds after coming out of a very cold winter. I love these types of elements to add to the landscape!

  7. Great article. If you DO find some lovely antique ornaments, we'd love to see pictures of them! :o)
    I'm ready to start gardening but unfortunately over here nothing is stirring yet. Hopefully soon...

  8. Beautiful pictures. I'm looking forward to being out in the garden :)

  9. I love the bench too. I'm not sure it would fit in my kid junk filled landscape, but maybe a terra-cotta pot would look cute. :)

  10. Love them all, time to start thinking about my landscaping...finally!:)

  11. I would love to have a pair of cast iron urns on my patio and one on my little porch. The cement garden bench would look good on my side yard, I think. Lovely, thanks for the chance to see and learn about them.
    Thank you for visiting my blog today!
    Hugs, Cindy

  12. P.S.
    I love your etsy shop too.
    We are birds of feather for sure :)

  13. Ooops, I guess my previous comment didn't to through... Well I wanted to come by and formally meet you and thank you for coming by La Dolfina and leaving me such kind comments :)
    I'm so happy to have found you and your blog and look forward to following you and getting to know you better.
    Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend my new friend!

  14. of my fave art and goodies! Lovely!

    Hope your garden wakes beautifully!!

  15. Hi AL, Nice blog , great photos! Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hi again! Christie

  16. Love gardens! I look forward to seeing picturs of your garden! Great post!

  17. Wonderful ! I LOVE antiques and the pictures that you have posted in there are just CLASSICS! The statue, the urns are so great. Wow!


  18. Welcome to Blog Land!
    You are off to a great
    start with some wonderful
    posts. I love the idea
    of outdoor rooms and this
    type of statuary really
    defines them!!
    xx Suzanne

  19. I love garden urns and have several, but not flowers in them! I gotta work on that! Welcome to blog land! Enjoy!

  20. lovely post! i learned a lot! thanks for your lovely comments. ill keep on reading!

  21. love the post! i will be browsing through your past posts. have a great one! verbena cottage

  22. Hello! These are gorgeous and I am so excited to back into my garden, although it needs lots of help this year. :)
    Thank you so much for visiting me and you sweet comments. :)
    I hope you are having a wonderful week and welcome to blogland. :)

  23. ♥love your blog♥

  24. Al,
    I just had to come back over here and thank you for you comment... it made me smile ear to ear!
    You are the best!

  25. Al,

    such a beautiful post and so timely for me as I turn my attention least in my daydreams :) The urns are so lovely, I'm currently on a hunt for the perfect pair.

  26. They're all beautiful...but I especially love the urns.

  27. Beautiful urns and pictures!

  28. I love the urns and marble bench. I'm longing for spring to come in Maine, winters are so long. Only crocuses so far with hints of tulips showing signs of appearing. Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. ~ Abby ~

  29. Oh, I just love everything about this garden - it is heavenly! :)

  30. Beautiful my the garden. Breathtaking!


  31. Love all these pieces
    Have a great week
    Best Carolyn

  32. if i had a garden, i would fill it with pieces like this. x

    check out my blog: PASTIMEBLISS at

  33. hi, Antiques are nice Garden Decorations i love the garden Goddess it feels like i'm in Greece,"ancient times" lol..
    Thank for sharing your blog..

  34. All the garden ornament designs are looking quite impressive and superb.
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  35. Wonderful ornaments for garden decoration....!!
    garden ornaments
