Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Antique Hat Pins, Oh So Chic!

The hat pin was invented in the early 1800's, to hold adornments to a female's hair, mainly hats, or lace veils. They measured about 8 to 10 inches long, and were decorated with crystals, semi, and precious stones, pearls, ivory, and baubles of every type.

Photo courtesy Alice M. Windgerden

Originally these pins were handmade, and often on the expensive side due to the materials, and labor involved in producing them. They soon became very popular in Europe, and in 1832, an American machine was created to keep up with the demand for this highly popular accessory.
Every fashionable woman who wanted to secure her hat to her head with confidence, chose a hat pin to do the job.

Audrey Hepburn

Their popularity still exists today, and ladies often use them to affix scarves, decorate lapels, and add some drama to the "up do".
Serious collectors look for hat pins that are made of precious metals, and stones. Over the years, the most coveted of these, are those that have been created by famous design houses, in limited editions.

"Tiara" (hat pin) by Rene Lalique, courtesy Wikipedia

Please take time to consider these charming accessories, when you are updating your wardrobe. They are timeless, and so very versatile for the modern woman to wear.

Photo courtesy Alice M. Windgerden

Set of vintage hat pins from Sweetkate on Etsy

The best place to find these vintage and "new" handmade darlings? Check out Etsy, Ebay, and any estate sale that is featuring fine accessories. For more information, you can visit the American Hatpin Society.  Ciao! -Al


  1. When I was a little girl of the 50's I can remember watching my Grandmother get ready for "lodge" & she would always wear a hat & when she put in the hat pin I thought she stuck it right into her head!! LOL!! Oh, the imaginings of a child....
    Stay Warm !

  2. These are beautiful, I remember my grandma having some and I loved to play with them.

  3. I've always found these rather romantic, but I don't quite understand how to use them! They are beautiful though!

  4. What a lovely post! I wish people would wear hats more often. They're my favourite accessories of all time.

  5. I love the old hat pins. I wish we still lived in a time when the women dressed up and wore hats and gloves. Everything seemed so pretty back then.

  6. These are so pretty. I love their vintage charm :)

  7. A society all for hatpins!! I LOVE it!!

    And these examples are gorgeous. I want them all!!


  8. Such a shame, they're nearly not used any more...they're so pretty and romantic !
    I loved reading your comment about the aprons...thank you !! :-)

  9. There is vintage appeal to hatpins. I adore the image of Audrey Hepburn...she is so classic.

  10. I rarely see these anymore, so what a wonderful post to reminded of such a pretty detail!

  11. I used to belong to a church where all the women wore hats! It was hard to afford pretty hats, but it was fun to wear them. I felt like a real lady. I would have loved to wear gloves, as well.

  12. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a kind comment. I love reading about the old hatpins and their history. I think hats seem to be making a comeback. I hope you are well. Have a wonderful weekend. ~ Abby

  13. These are gorgeous! Have a lovely weekend, Kellie xx

  14. I remember these so well from my childhood and admiring the beautiful selection my mother had ~ ah if only to have a sampling of them now.
    Thanks so much for stopping by and entering my giveaway!

  15. What a nice compliment you left me Al, thank you for stopping by! XO Christie

  16. Those are beautiful. Wishing we still wore more hats around here. I love those crazy hats they wear in England. :)

  17. Beautiful, beautiful collection!

    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Greetings from the PĂ©rigord,

  18. That bird hat pin is incredible! Very inspiring.

  19. OOOH, loving those hat pins!

