Sunday, January 8, 2012

A David Austin Floral Tapestry Bouquet... Simply Sublime!

Hello friends, and a very Happy New Year to you all!
Today, we've decided to venture out into our English country garden, to cut some of our favorite roses that are in bloom right now.
Ok. We'll admit it. It is the dead of Winter here, and the garden is in a very deep slumber. But here at Skylark Manor we have been craving the scent, the beauty, and the ambience that only the finest English rose can impart upon a space.
So the only alternative was to get in touch with our very special friends at David Austin Roses Limited.
They immediately suggested the cure for us, and it was the Floral Tapestry Bouquet.

From the look of the gorgeous photo on their web page, how could we resist?
The floral stems arrived securely in a container that protected them perfectly for their trip to our home.
We immediately placed the 15 stems in a vase (our own), after carefully trimming back the stems as directed and adding the plant food.
The arrangement was stunning to say the least, and was much more magnificent than we could've ever imagined. The intoxicating perfume that this fabulous bouquet gave off, actually made everyone in our home giddy with delight. Each day, as the roses open up their petals, was an even greater delight to behold.
The rose species that were included in our bouquet were Darcey, Juliet, and Phoebe. They were accompanied with some beautiful green foliage as well.
Darcey's scent is a light fruity tea. She is a crimson to raspberry-red beauty, not to be missed. Juliet is known for her large, full head and light, peachy color. Pheobe has a large full blooms, and pink petals that have a gorgeous translucence. She is truly spectacular!
Here are our pics of the arrival, and then the subsequent "unveiling" if you will, of the tender roses as they opened...




To say we thoroughly enjoyed this floral delight, is an understatement. We can still smell their wonderful scent, lingering with our memories of Grandmother's rose garden. It is said that your memories of scent are the strongest, especially if they are linked in history, reverence, and love. 
We hope you have enjoyed this post. Please remember to visit David Austin Roses Limited so you can experience this delicious treat for yourself! Don't forget to tell them that Skylark Manor sent you. Ciao! -Al


  1. Wow, Al, since we had the same Grandmother, I can imagine the aroma of these beauties. The second picture of Juliet is amazing! I've never seen a rose of such splendor - reminded me of perhaps the under side of a beautiful gown supported by soft, thick crinoline folds. My last roses received for Thanksgiving were pretty, but very little scent. I won't quickly forget the name of your provider. Kudos to them!

  2. This rose bouquet is just beautiful! David austin roses are my favorite! Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hi. Christie

  3. What a treat!
    I loved your introductions to each one!
    Being named after St. Therese, the little flower, roses have always been my favorites!

  4. What a beautiful bouquet! That Juliet rose is stunning!!

    happy weekend!

  5. Can't wait until I can clip flowers from my garden again...your roses have me dreaming.

  6. I love roses and that's the one flower I can grow. Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a great week!

  7. Those roses look lovely! David Austin Roses has a location here in Texas; I'm thinking of getting some of their bushes for my garden this year - I've never grown roses before, though, so I'm a little nervous!

  8. David Austin roses are just so gorgeous! Love them.
    xo E + J
