Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Coco's Pearls

Yes darlings, Coco Chanel was known for her little black dress, the Chanel suit, and her ever present cigarette. But this treasured French fashion designer, was also known for making the pearl necklace, the ultimate, must have accessory.
Coco's influence on fashion began back in the early 1900's, when she opened her first boutique in Paris. It was called, Chanel Modes. Here, she designed and sold, gorgeous hats to celebrities and the like. Soon after, Coco's attention turned to a luxe clothing line, styled for leisure and sport. Her fashion empire continued to grow, with the addition of the Chanel perfume line. Coco also tried her hand at costume design, for the stage and film. Of course, she found success here too.

Coco was never without her string of pearls. She would layer them for added drama, in varying lengths. Always looking stylish and relevant. The classic and vintage appeal of the pearl, will go on forever, thanks to Coco's enduring legacy.
Take a tip from Coco, and dig out your treasured pearls. Or, better yet, go out and snatch them up in a wide range of colors! Experiment, and wear them with relish ladies, they won't let you down.

*If you want a more modern approach to this look, try on a bangle. Here, you can see just how hip, the pearl can be. -Al


  1. It is so hard to imagine life without pearls or the amazing influences of the beautiful Coco! As you pointed out there is a look and style for everyone!!!

  2. I WANT that bangle! Maybe I can do a DIY version...hmmm....

    Style Defined NYC

  3. Coco was a woman ahead of ther time!! I have a string of pearls that were my Grandmothers & I wear them proudly!!
    Thanks for visiting my blog I look forward to your comments!!

  4. Love love it!!! I am hosting my first giveaway I hope you check it out. :)

  5. what a legendary woman! her pearls are classic!

  6. oh, coco. Let me count the ways:) I love that woman. Her style is timeless. Thanks so much for posting!

  7. such inspiring photos. thank you!

  8. That bangle is gooooorgeous! I love love love it!! So beautiful.


  9. Oh how I love pearls. That bangle is making me drool!

  10. Oh, I would love to have just a pinch of style. I would like that bangle, very chic.

  11. i sometimes forget that coco chanel has been here for so long.. Thank you for the educational post :)

