Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Add An Antique Movie Poster To Your Decor

What better way to decorate your media or family room, than with an antique movie poster... or three... or four! With their bold graphics and engaging subject matter, these beauties are real treasures to bring into your home, or office. Plus, there are so many to choose from in this fascinating category of memorabilia collecting.

Back in the day, (yes, we are talking before the movie trailers and press junkets of today), the movie poster, and the lobby card, were the means by which the major production companies promoted, and enticed the Average Joe, to go out to the theater to catch their latest release. These posters were rented, or loaned to the movie theaters, strictly to promote the film. Then they were sent on, to the next theater on the distributors list. They were never meant to be sold to the general public, and were often printed on inexpensive paper. Some of the best examples of the more famous movie posters are shown here in this post.

If you loved that classic horror movie, or preferred that tangled love story, there is a vintage movie poster that can conjure up those distant memories. Perhaps, you first saw these films at your favorite Drive-in Movie, or on that first date. Whatever the case may be, they are a dramatic way to bring back a time long ago, before Netflix, and Pay Per View. When we could actually afford to go out to dinner, and see a movie. Do you remember those days? We do.

There are auction houses, companies, and private dealers that sell the original versions of these fabulous posters, but they don't come cheap. And, with all of the great resources that are out in the market today, you can bring home a handful of reproductions of these great masterpieces, for a song.
Of course, we have our favorites, some are even pictured here.... let us know what yours are, we'd love to hear from you soon. -Al
P.S. Dear friends, please don't forget to Follow, Friend, Tweet and sing about this latest post by Skylark Manor, on whatever platform you choose! Thanks.


  1. Aren't those old posters great? The graphics are amazing.

    Have a good week,

  2. Oh aren't these cool? My son would love that mummy one. Thanks so much for posting my giveaway on your sidebar :)
