Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Vintage Rose Garden

Years ago, our grandmother carefully tended one of the most exquisite rose gardens, in her small backyard in Flushing, NY. As children, we would play hide and seek among the tidy little islands of hybrid tea roses. We were always being reminded by our parents, of the delicate, and thorny nature of these towering blooms, which grew in shades of crimson, fuchsia, yellow and creamy white.
When these beauties were ready for cutting, our grandmother would lovingly place them, at center stage, in a clear glass vase on the living room table. Thus, anointing the space with their pleasurable scent. It is a memory that is as fresh, as those flowers were that day.
David Austin, is a renowned British rose breeder, whose specialty is preserving and continuing the "old" rose garden. A connoisseur of growing large petaled and immensely fragrant rose varieties, he offers a wide selection for every taste. Here is a peek at some of the roses David Austin has to offer, as featured in the May/June 2011 issue of Garden Design Magazine...


'Juliet' and 'Miranda'


We are sure grandmother would approve of these gorgeous blooms for her own garden. And the notion of nurturing a vintage plant, so very rich in tradition, memory, and beauty. -Al
Photos courtesy Garden Design Magazine, by Maria Robledo


  1. It's all about roses, isn't it?
    I love your cherished memories.
    YOu have some great stuff in your etsy shop right now. I love the sterling horse pin. I'm going to show my friend Reichel who is a horsewoman!

  2. I love the story you shared about your grandmother. What a sweet memory...I ordered 2 new David Austin roses that should be delivered this week (shreek!). Can't wait to get them planted.


  3. great story. roses are great investment, it can give you a lifetime hapinness as long as you give the TLC! thanks for sharing...verbena cottage

  4. Beautiful roses and a wonderful story!

  5. There are few things as beautiful as a Vintage Rose....... Love your memories. I have the same but of the Sweet Pea & Peony.
    Have a Wonderful Weekend!!

  6. I haven't always been a fan of roses but have begun appreciating them more recently. The photos here are gorgeous!

  7. wonderful story and beautiful blooms!

  8. I love David Austin roses, too, they are so beautiful! I would love to have a couple of DA rose bushes in my garden.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog,

  9. Beautiful !!! I so need a Rose Garden .... Stunning photos!! Thank you for all you lovely comments, i really appreciate it. Have a Great Week!

  10. Oh I LOVE those pics. Hopefully my garden will get going soon. I am still waiting on my Peonies... Soon I hope:)

  11. These are very beautiful roses... I wish I could plant stuff but I live in an apt and I honestly dont have much room

  12. these are gorgeous pictures. thanks for ur comment, very looking forward to NYC!! :)

  13. lovely roses!


  14. The colour is breathtaking. True romance. Thanks for sharing the photo, and drop by me too, soon.


  15. What a wonderful post and such fond memories you have of your childhood. The photographs are beyond beautiful. I can literally feel to softness of the petals and smell them through my laptop. ~ Abby

  16. Lovely post with beautiful memories--thanks for visiting me today. How lucky you were to have worked with Melissa Clark!

  17. Loving this collection and the beautiful vintage vases that go along with each...amazing how the simplest gestures recall the most memorable events :D

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  18. Beautiful roses, and sweet memories :-)

  19. What a beautiful way to remember your Grandma. I would have to loved to see that garden. Gorgeous pictures!

  20. Lovely story! I think I can smell these beauties right through my comnputer! I don't have any roses here in this jungle...but mis my climbers from NY! Great post!

  21. Dear Skylark Manor,
    Thank you for becoming a follower and leaving such nice comments. I am following you as well and enjoying the ride.

  22. beautiful :)

    your newest follower, Michelle

  23. Oh how I would love to plant roses like this in my garden to be. The lovely smell of old breed roses are fantastic. Lovely post Al <3

    And how fun that you have a similar handbag on etsy! And the prize! I had no idea I could get that prize on etzy... and I am giving mine away :) Well, I am happy for the winner and will bring yours to here attention, hehe :)

    Later my friend! Have a lovely sunday.

  24. These pics are
    so vivid that I
    can almost smell
    xx Suzanne
