Thursday, May 5, 2011

Not Your Mother's Hand-Me-Down

So you had your heart set on the antique side table in your Mother's home. And low and behold, she's told you it is going to be left to the eldest child, her first born... hooray. Of course it came as a shock, a brutal blow to your ego, and your untimely placement in the pecking order.
In your mind, there was a place for that vintage treasure, down the hallway, just inside the front door. To hold the mail, the keys, the stuff of your life. But honestly, you knew all along this day would come, right? Especially since you were never the "favorite" child.
Alas, you drag yourself home, and mope about your fate for a few days... and then the dawn breaks. You sit down to contemplate the next move. Do you go out hunting, and searching at garage sales for that perfect, old, look alike counterpart? Deep down in your heart, you know it will never turn up.
Or, do you resort to trying the DIY approach, by painting, and distressing that old, shop worn card table in the basement?
Our suggestion is this. Put down your paint brush. Sit down and let us show you a few things, that may make your heart skip a beat again. Check out these fabulous offerings from Tracy Porter. She just happens to procure some of the most creative, unique, and beautiful handmade wood furniture. And yes, they all have that vintage, timeless appeal, that will certainly enhance any decor. Here are our recommendations.

Perhaps something in blue?
Chateau Side Table

Or maybe a laid back distressed feel?
Carved Estate Side Table

A little Mahogany number, with spindle legs?
Vineyard Side Table

Oh heck, go big, and put a sideboard in that hallway!
French Heritage Country Sideboard

These stunning pieces of furniture scream heirloom, vintage, and flat out fabulousness. Have we solved the problem for you? Your siblings will all be wondering where Mother was hiding these beauties. Don't worry, we won't tell, if you don't. Ciao- Al
All photos courtesy Tracy Porter


  1. Lucky for me, I only
    have one sibling to
    compete with....Except
    that our parents aren't
    into vintage pieces AND
    my brother prefers modern.
    Oh well, there's one in
    every family, right?
    Hope you have a wonderful day!
    Thanks for your kind words
    on P&H; they make MY day.
    xx Suzanne

  2. Hi Al, I like the vineyard side table the best. I wanted to let you know you won in my blog giveaway this evening. A set of notecards depicting Victorian children. Please drop me a note with your address and I'll get them mailed out to you. ~ Abby

  3. I love those tables. The one that looks turquoise is my favorite! Trinidad

  4. Hello....

    Great blog!!!! I like it, im your new follower :)

    follow me back??

  5. Amazing :)
    you had a new Follower:)

    xx nicole

    look at my Blog:)

  6. Are you kidding me?! THE EYE CANDY IS KILLING ME!!!! Gorgeous.

  7. interesting and lovely blog :)
    greetings martin&vanessa

  8. Wow Al! Love that turquoise color!, great post... I'd taken any or all of the above!
