Friday, September 16, 2011

Add A Key To Your Heart

Vintage skeleton keys have always been fascinating little objects that reveal memories of doorways to the past. These beautiful and quite charming pieces of metal, were used to unlock cabinets, chests, and secrets of an older day. Perhaps they were the keys to what lay in the future? Ahh, maybe so.

                                            Photo from Etsy

Whatever the case, they certainly conjure up memories of the long lost days filled treasures, triumphs, and dreams.
Today, they are a great collectible that anyone's budget can afford.
Many of these little gems were made of brass and pewter, adorned with simple or more elaborate designs. They were easily slipped into a pocket or a purse, to be summoned when the time was right to gain entry to one's home or possessions. A charming personal accessory, if you will, to a private hidden treasure.

                               Photo by Thegreenj via Wikipedia

                               Photo by

Nowadays, these keys are often repurposed as jewelry, chimes, or just common trinkets on an entry table. Mysterious little characters that speak to us in the quiet of our mind. Leaving us wondering aloud, what possible secrets they once held so dear. Hmmm... I guess we'll never really know, will we? -Al


  1. I am working on a chest that is completely covered in skeleton keys! It seemed like a good idea but boy oh boy! That's a lotta' keys!

  2. love this post-antique keys are so romantic and mysterious--thanks for your lovely comments at Hampton Hostess-Barbara

  3. I love vintage keys. That top one is awesome!

  4. I have an old box of keys somewhere. This post makes me want to find them and do something pretty with them. Thanks for the inspiration. ~ Abby
