Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Carousel

Do you find yourself daydreaming of when you were a child, and had not a care in the world? Did you ever spin yourself round and round, and then closing your eyes, drop to the floor in dizzy delight?
Yes, we remember fondly, those lighthearted, carefree moments in time. Many of which were spent on the nearby carousel, that beckoned to us in the warmth of summertime.

This fabulous attraction, for both young and old, bore bright colored lights, and sweet sounding music. Thus, calling everyone at the park to gather, for a fantastical whirring ride.
Would you climb aboard the grand white horse, with the red ribbons curling down her mane? Or did you prefer to sit on the bench-like seat, that afforded you the "feet firmly on the ground" experience?

Our beautiful, old neighborhood carousel, has recently been rescued and gloriously restored. Assuring one and all, that it may continue to speak out to new generations of amusement lovers.

Yes, it is just a simple, vintage carousel. It has no fancy loops, or twists. But it is a marvelous, hand-carved piece of historical, and magical value. A living, breathing, work of mechanical art.

We at Skylark Manor encourage you to find the nearest carousel, and take a quick ride back to your youth. It is a sure way to put a smile on your face.

Oh, and don't forget to get that gumball afterwards. Have fun! -Al

Photos via,,


  1. What fun, to have this nearby. You wrote this so beautifully, it took me back. ~ Abby

  2. Carousels are magical. I remember riding one at the county fair when I was a little girl :)

