Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Hat Makes The Man

Call us old fashioned, but the fedora is one of our favorite accessories on a man. (Ladies, please don't feel left out, you can take one for a spin too.) This hat just oozes class and character. Right down to how a gentleman tips it forward on his head, or takes it in hand, across his chest, as a gesture of courtesy. Ah, the good old days.
This fashionable piece has been worn by the likes of Humphrey Bogart, Frank Sinatra, Harrison Ford, Run DMC, Johnny Depp, etc. It just shows how this hat has never really gone out of style. This small sampling below depicts an eclectic group of men, that certainly knew the laws of attractive dressing, then and now. Whether for the movie set or stepping out on the town, this vintage style is so current and relevant.
With the warm weather releasing it's hold on some of us, this would be the perfect time to look into your armoire and search out that fedora. Adorn yourself, or a loved one, in a practical and oh so very stylish wardrobe staple. If you don't already own one (we won't tell) put it on your fall to-do list. You'll thank us, and definitely turn some heads. These fine lads did! -Al

                                          Humphrey Bogart

                                             Frank Sinatra

                                            Marlon Brando

                                              Cary Grant

                                                Run DMC

                                           Harrison Ford

                                             Johnny Depp

                    Brad Pitt (Poor George Clooney forgot his hat)

                                         Justin Timberlake


  1. They're all lookiing good. You don't see many men wearing hats like that today. They are pretty common on the men in my old family photos. Thanks for sharing. ~ Abby

  2. My grandpa wore a hat whenever he went out..... Those were the days!!
    Just a quick note.... I am having a Halloween Giveaway... Come on over!!

  3. Brad is cool with this hat. And what about Charlie Winston ?

  4. I love a man that wears a hat, especially Harrison Ford!! :)
    Thank you so much for stopping by!
    Have a great weekend!!!
