Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Friendly Letter...

Dear Friends,
We all have busy lives, hectic schedules, and the universal need to communicate with each other. And somewhere along the way, the art of handwritten correspondence, between those who are dearest to us, has faded and gone away. It has been replaced by the email, the text, and the Tweet. Short, abrupt, and curt.

Not very long ago, we impatiently waited for the postman. To bring the love letter, the poem, the diary of a loved one, far away. Were they at war, at play, or at rest? Many of those letters were savored, shared, and tucked away. Perhaps, in a vintage keepsake box, a hope chest, or in a pocket close to your heart.
Take a moment to send the treasured gift of a handwritten note, a thank you, a thought. See what happens.... Al

Photos courtesy Perfectly Imperfect


  1. It's funny isn't it? We did wait for the post man once. Now it's usually bills and the odd invitation. Now I can't wait to check my emails.
    But from a vintage designing point of view, the written word is just beautiful both to read and look at.
    Best Carolyn

  2. You are so right...who wouldn't love a handwritten note these days!

  3. a handwritten letter is just so romantic. and such a lost art.

  4. I just sent my friend a card the other day...just because :) Love your pretty pictures.


  5. Beautiful letters!!
    Thank you SO much for your sweet comment that brought me a smile~

  6. I so agree with you! I started writing notes and letters late last year. And guess what? I eagerly await the post[woman] every day; she brings me notes and letters back. And I don't have to turn on my computer...

    More mail, less email!!!

  7. I send out birthday cards still with a note attached, and Christmas cards, but that's it. In a way it is really nice, but I do miss seeing the persons handwriting, something personal to them. I will try to do this next week, write to one person.
    Thanks for the inspiration.
    Hugs, Cindy

  8. I am a firm believer in hand written notes too. Thanks for sharing this. Hope you will follow me back!


  9. you are so right...beautiful images!

  10. Left you a comment
    yesterday but see that
    it did not go through??
    YOU know that I could
    not agree with these sentiments
    more.....And I LOVE the
    pics you chose to go along
    with your words. My bestie
    from NZ and I were just
    lamenting this very thing
    and resolving to send more
    "snail mail," both to each
    other and to other friends
    and family. Thanks for the
    gentle reminder!
    xx Suzanne

  11. OHh so son who is 13 didn't even know how to address a letter the other day...they don't teach it in school anymore! sad. I make cards, and need to actually send one! love your blog..first time here. cherry

  12. Oh yes, you are absolutely right, a handwritten letter is so special, the paper, the ink color...A digital message can never replace the warmth of a handwritten letter.

  13. So true! I love letters! I've been slacking in having my kids write letters. That's what we'll be doing this weekend. :)

  14. Oh my. How woefully behind the times I am because I still love to write. I don't know how to text!

  15. I totally agree and love to send a handwritten note with a little bit of loveliness. Such as a bird stamped on the envelope. I used to deal in vintage postcards and would sometimes get lost in all the messages on the backs of the cards. I like the photos in this post. ~ Abby ~
